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"Life for rent" (2003)

Рецензия от Кирилла Юдина

Очень трудно быть объективным в оценке нового творения этой даровитой английской девушки, когда хочется без лишних слов, открыто признаться ей в любви. Но тем не менее. Второй по счету альбом Dido, как и все ее творчество, действительно очень резко выделяется на фоне того пустого невыразительного мэйнстрима, что в изобилии пытается впихнуть в наши уши современная поп-индустрия. Есть в нем какая-то изюминка, родственная душе каждого меланхолика, и в очаровательном умиротворяющем голосе и в неторопливых ритмах и в мягкой лиричности мелодий. "Life for rent" - диск по истине осеннего настроения. Под него очень приятно разбрасывать под ногами опавшую листву в тихом октябрьском парке или, присев на скамейку, созерцать грациозную оранжево-желтую картину неспешного увядания природы, купаться в последних лучах бабьего лета, вдыхать свежий терпкий аромат осеннего дыма и ощущать себя безмятежным наблюдателем, посвященным во все таинства мироздания. Может показаться странным, что такие ассоциации вызывает бестселлер поп музыки, обитающий на вершинах современных (!) хит-парадов, но это не лукавство. На самом деле, не все то прекрасно, что заумно, сложно и труднообъяснимо. Песни Dido необычайно легки и незамысловаты. Их героиня - обыкновенная девушка, которая ищет любви и счастья среди вечно-перепутанного сплетения чувств, эмоций, мыслей и фантазий. Здесь и детская непосредственность, и умилительная хитрость и, конечно же, неразделенные чувства и влюбленные обиды, но ни капли отчаяния, в полной чаше оптимистичных надежд:

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

И этот оптимизм не плод ее фантазий. Dido добилась всего благодаря собственному целеустремленному труду и незаурядному таланту, пройдя путь от упрямой школьницы, тайком от родителей играющей на украденной (!) флейте Баха и Шуберта (!), до исполнителя с мировым именем. Таких музыкантов сейчас крайне мало, особенно на поп-сцене. И этот ничтожный Eminem - не более чем ступень, на которую сегодня нельзя не встать, если хочешь завтра подняться на вершину (Сама Dido утверждает, что он очень талантлив,… Что ж, ей, несомненно, виднее). К тому же, если бы мы хотя бы иногда смотрели финальные титры к некоторым хорошим фильмам и слушали сопровождающую их музыку, то было бы меньше причин обращать внимание на всякого рода посредственные ситуации (Знаменитая песня Dido "Thank you" звучит на саундтреке фильма "Осторожно двери закрываются").

Однако сильное растение разрывает камни и можно сказать с уверенностью, что новый альбом Dido, как и дебютный "No Angel" придется по сердцу не только любителям западной попсы, но более искушенной в музыкальном плане публике. Однажды прослушанный диск "Life for rent" надолго обоснуется в вашем проигрывателе, как успокоительное лекарство от банального травматизма повседневной рутинности бытия. Остается надеяться, что необычайно талантливая певица Dido сумеет сохранить свое неповторимое творческое обаяние и еще порадует нас новыми песнями. А пока хочется поцеловать эту очаровательную улыбающуюся девушку в щечку (только мысленно, к сожалению) и сказать: "Спасибо".

© 2003 Кирилл Юдин

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Тексты песен "Life for rent"

1. White Flag
(D. Armstrong, R. Armstrong, R. Nowels)

I know you think that I shouldn't still love you
I'll tell you that 
But if I didn't say it
Well, I'd still have felt it 
Where's the sense in that? 
I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder 
Or return to where we were 
Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender 
There will be no white flag above my door 
I'm in love and always will be 
I know I left too much mess 
And destruction to come back again 
And I caused nothing but trouble 
I understand if you can't talk to me again 
And if you live by the rules of "It's over" 
Then I'm sure that that makes sense 
Well I will go down with this ship 
And I won't put my hands up and surrender 
There will be no white flag above my door 
I'm in love and always will be 
And when we meet 
As I'm sure we will 
All that was then 
Will be there still 
I'll let it pass 
And hold my tongue 
And you will think 
That I've moved on
Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender 
There will be no white flag above my door 
I'm in love and always will be
Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender 
There will be no white flag above my door 
I'm in love and always will be
I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender 
There will be no white flag above my door 
I'm in love and always will be

2. Stoned
(D. Armstrong, L. Mendez, R. Armstrong)

When you're stoned baby, and I am drunk
And we make love it seems a little desolate
It's hard sometimes not to look away
And think what's the point when I'm having to hold this fire down
I think I'll explode if I can't feel this freely now 'cos

If you won't let me fall for you
Then you won't see the best thing I would love to do for you
Instead you will be missing me when I go
'Cos I'm bored of hanging out in your cold

When I feel loved baby, I join the road
And the world moves with me
When I feel lost I just slip away silently
Quietly take my things and go
And think what's the point
Think where's the hope when coming home 'cos

If you won't let me fall for you
Then you won't see the best thing I would love to do for you
Instead you will be missing me when I go
'Cos I'm bored of hanging out in your cold

And if you find one day, find some freedom and relief
With this freedom maybe, maybe you will find some peace and
With this peace baby, I hope it brings you back to me
Bring you home, take me home 'cos

If you won't let me fall for you
Then you won't see the best thing I would love to do for you
Instead you will be missing me when I go
'Cos I'm bored of hanging out in your cold

Oh, take me home
Oh, take me home
When you're stoned, baby, take me home

3. Life for rent
(D. Armstrong, R. Armstrong)

I haven't really ever found a place that I call home
I never stick around quite long enough to make it
I apologise that once again I'm not in love
But it's not as if I mind 
That your heart ain't exactly breaking
It's just a thought, only a thought
But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
'Cos nothing I have is truly mine
I've always thought 
That I would love to live by the sea
To travel the world alone 
And live my life more simply
I have no idea what's happened to that dream
'Cos there's really nothing left here to stop me
It's just a thought, only a thought
But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
'Cos nothing I have is truly mine

Well if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
'Cos nothing I have is truly mine
While my heart is a shield 
And I won't let it down
While I am so afraid to fail so I won't even try
Well how can I say I'm alive
If my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
'Cos nothing I have is truly mine

If my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
'Cos nothing I have is truly mine
'Cos nothing I have is truly mine
'Cos nothing I have is truly mine
'Cos nothing I have is truly mine

4. Mary's in India
(D. Armstrong, R. Armstrong)

Danny is lonely 'cos
Mary's in India now
She said she'd call but that was three weeks ago
She left all her things 
Well, her books and her letters from him
As the sun rises on Mary, it sets on him

And just dance, and just drink
And just see the things 
I'll probably never get the chance to see

Danny's not eating, he's drinking and sleeping in
I saw him last night at a party, he's definitely thin
He says he's happy, he looked pretty good
But I think
That as the sun rises on Mary, it sets on him

And just dance, and just drink
And just see the things 
I'll probably never get the chance to see

Danny came over last night and I cooked for him
We talked about you, Mary, and how much we loved you still
He told me he's packed up your books and your letters and things
But as the sun sets on Mary, it's rising on him

And we danced, and we drank
And I've seen some things you probably never got the chance to see

Don't worry, Mary
Cause I'm taking care of Danny
And he's taking care of me

5. See you when you are
(D. Armstrong, A. Nunn, R. Armstrong)

I've driven round in circles for 3 hours
It was bound to happen that I'd end up at yours
I temporarily forgot there's better days to come
I thought that I would give it just one more chance

'Cos I want tonight
What I've been waiting for
But I've found tonight
What I'd been warned about

You think you are complicated, deep mystery to all
Well it's taken me a while to see
You're not so special
All energy, no meaning
With a lot of words
So paper thin, no one revealing could knock you down

And I've seen tonight
What I'd been warned about
I'm gonna leave tonight
Before I change my mind

So see you when you're 40
Lost and all alone
Being comforted by strangers
Who never need to know
Not sad because you lost me, sad because you thought it was cool to be sad
You think misery will make you stand apart from the crowd
If you walked by me today I wouldn't have picked you out
I wouldn't have picked you out
I wouldn't have picked you out

Now I've seen tonight
How could I waste my time
And I'll be on my way
And I won't be back
'Cos I've seen tonight
What I've been wrong about
You're just a boy, not a man
And I'm not coming back

And I'm not coming back
What I've been wrong about

6. Don't leave home
(D. Armstrong, R. Armstrong)

Like a ghost, don't need a key
Your best friend I've come to be
And please don't think of getting up for me 
You don't even need to speak 
When I've been here for just one day 
You'll already miss me if I go away 
So close the blinds and shut the door 
You won't need other friends anymore 
Oh, don't leave home 
Oh, don't leave home 
And if you're cold
I'll keep you warm 
And if you're alone just hold on 
'Cos I will be your safety 
Oh, don't leave home   
I arrived when you were weak
I'll make you weaker, like a child
Now all your love you give to me 
When your heart is all I need
Oh, don't leave home 
Oh, don't leave home 
And if you're cold
I'll keep you warm 
And if you're alone just hold on 
'Cos I will be your safety 
Oh, don't leave home 
Oh how quiet, quiet the world can be 
When it's just you and little me 
Everything is clear and
Everything is new 
So you won't be leaving will you?
And if you're cold
I'll keep you warm 
And if you're alone just hold on 
'Cos I will be your safety 
Oh, don't leave home 
Because I will be your safety and
I will be your safety 
I will be your safety 
Oh, don't leave home

7. Who makes you feel
(D. Armstrong, R. Armstrong, P*Nut)

I don't touch you the way I used to and
I don't call and write when I'm away
We don't make love as often as we did do
Couldn't wait, now we're too usually, goes away

But listen and think when I say
Oh, but listen and think when I say

Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel?
Who loves you and knows you the way I do?
Who touches you and holds you quite like I do?
Who makes you feel like I make you feel?

I don't mind if you come home late and
I don't ever ask you where you've been
I just assume if there's a problem will you tell me

But listen and think when I say
Oh, but listen and think when I say

Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel?
(Who, who)
Who loves you and knows you the way I do?
(Who, who)
Who touches you and holds you quite like I do?
(Who, who)
Who makes you feel like I make you feel?

Who makes you feel like I make you feel?
Who makes you feel like I make you feel?

Being weak when I am strong
Being seen, who you are
Being sad and love's not alone

But listen and think when I say
Oh, but listen and think when I say

Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel?
(Who, who)
Who loves you and knows you the way I do?
(Who, who)
Who touches you and holds you quite like I do?
(Who, who)
Who makes you feel like I make you feel?

Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel?
(Who, who)
Who loves you and knows you the way I do?
(Who, who)
Who touches you and holds you quite like I do?
(Who, who)
Who makes you feel like I make you feel?

Who makes you feel like I make you feel?
Who makes you feel like I make you feel?

8. Sand in my shoes
(D. Armstrong, R. Nowels)

Two weeks away it feels like the world should've changed
But I'm home now
And things still look the same
I think I'll leave it till tomorrow to unpack
Try to forget for one more night
That I'm back in my flat on the road
Where the cars never stop going through the night
To real life where I can't watch sunset
I don't have time
I don't have time

I've still got sand in my shoes
And I can't shake the thought of you
I should get on, forget you
But why would I want to?
I know we said goodbye
Anything else would've been confused but 
I wanna see you again

Tomorrow's back to work and down to sanitation
Run a bath and then clear up the mess I made before I left here
Try to remind myself that I was happy here
Before I knew that I could get on a plane and fly away
From the road where the cars never stop going through the night
To a life where I can watch sunset
And take my time
Take all our time

I've still got sand in my shoes
And I can't shake the thought of you
I should get on, forget you
But why would I want to?
I know we said goodbye
Anything else would've been confused but 
I wanna see you again

I wanna see you again
I wanna see you again
Two weeks away
All it takes to change and turn me around I follow
I walked away and never said that I wanted to see you again

I've still got sand in my shoes
And I can't shake the thought of you
I should get on, forget you
But why would I want to?
I know we said goodbye
Anything else would've been confused but 
I wanna see you again

(I wanna see you again)
I've still got sand in my shoes
And I can't shake the thought of you
(I wanna see you again)
I should get on, forget you
But why would I want to?
I know we said goodbye
Anything else would've been confused but 
I wanna see you again

I wanna see you again
I wanna see you again

9. This land is mine
(D. Armstrong, R. Nowels, R. Armstrong)

From behind these walls I hear your song 
Oh sweet words 
The music that you play lights up my world 
The sweetest that I've heard 

Could it be that I've been touched and turned?
Oh love, please finally, finally things are changing 

This land is mine 
But I let you
I let you navigate on demand 
Just as long as you know 
This land is mine 
So find your home and settle in 
Oh I'm ready to let you in 
Just as long as we know 
This land is mine 

After all the battles and the wars 
The scars and loss 
Well I'm still the queen of my domain 
And feeling stronger now 

The walls are down a little more each day 
Since you came finally, finally things are changing 

This land is mine 
But I let you
I let you navigate on demand 
Just as long as you know 
This land is mine 
So find your home and settle in 
Oh I'm ready to let you in 
Just as long as we know 
This land is mine 

Follow the days I've travelled alone 
In this cold and colorless place to mend 
It's what I had to pay 

This land is mine 
But I let you
I let you navigate on demand 
Just as long as you know 
This land is mine 
So find your home and settle in 
Oh I'm ready to let you in 
Just as long as we know 
This land is mine 

10. See the sun
(D. Armstrong)

I'm coming round to open the blinds 
You can't hide here any longer 
My God, you need to rinse those puffy eyes 
You can't last here any longer 

And yes they'll ask you where you've been 
And you'll have to tell them again and again 

And you probably don't wanna hear 
"Tomorrow's another day"
But I promise you you'll see the sun again 
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness 
And I promise you you'll see the sun again 

Come on take my hand 
We're going for a walk I know you can 
You can wear anything as long 
As it's not black 
Please don't mourn forever
She's not coming back 

And yes they'll ask you where you've been 
And you'll have to tell them again and again 

And you probably don't wanna hear 
"Tomorrow's another day"
But I promise you you'll see the sun again 
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness 
And I promise you you'll see the sun again 

And I promise you you'll see the sun again 

Do you remember telling me 
You'd found the sweetest thing of all 
You said one day of this was worth dying for
So be thankful you knew her at all 
But it's no more 

And yes they'll ask you where you've been 
And you'll have to tell them again and again 

And you probably don't wanna hear 
"Tomorrow's another day"
But I promise you you'll see the sun again 
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness 
And I promise you you'll see the sun again 

And you probably don't wanna hear 
"Tomorrow's another day"
But I promise you you'll see the sun again 
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness 
And I promise you you'll see the sun again 

11. Closer
(D. Armstrong, R. Armstrong)

So leave your taxi waiting 
And turn and close my door 
And sit back down where you were sitting 
A little closer then before 

When you look that serious 
It just makes me want you more 
And I've been meaning to tell you 

The closer you get, the better I feel 
The closer you are, the more I see 
Why everyone says I look happier 
When you're around 
The closer you get, the better I feel 

And yes I know you're nervous 
Never seen you so unsure 
You haven't touched your food tonight 
And you're drinking more and more 

And there's no need to hurry 
Take you're time I'll still be here 
And I've been meaning to tell you 

The closer you get, the better I feel 
The closer you are, the more I see 
Why everyone says I look happier 
When you're around

We've been circling for time baby 
We're coming down to land tonight 
The wait is over and now it's easy 
Everything is fine 

The closer you get, the better I feel 
The closer you are, the more I see 
Why everyone says I look happier 
When you're around

The better I feel, the closer you get 
The better you see, the closer you are
The better I see, why everyone says

12. Do you have a little time
(D. Armstrong, R. Nowels, M. Bates)

If you're feeling low and lost today
You're probably doing too much again
You spend all your hours just rushing around
Do you have a little time to have a little time for me?
Slow down my love
You're confusing me and
If your feeling stressed 
Just try calling
You spend your time waiting for anyone to see
Do you have a little time to have a little time for me?
You should stop for a while 
You will find me standing by
Over here at the side of your life
I'd like to hold you still
Remind you of all you've missed
If you have a little time to have a little time that is
Why do you still run 
When you could walk with me
Life will pass you by 
When you move this quickly
What can you see when you're spinning around
Do you have a little time to have a little time for me?
You should stop for a while 
You will find me standing by
Over here at the side of your life
I'd like to hold you still
Remind you of all you've missed
If you have time that is
If you let me listen
I'll make you feel clear
Spend your time waiting for anyone to see
You should stop for a while 
You will find me standing by
Over here at the side of your life
I'd like to hold you still
Remind you of all you've missed
If you have a little time to have a little time that is

You should stop for a while 
You will find me standing by
Over here at the side of your life
I'd like to hold you still
Remind you of all you've missed
If you have a little time to have a little time that is

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